
Today, I am going to look at geospatial data in Apache Druid in some more detail. Back in September, we learned how to ingest these data into Druid.

It turns out that a spatial dimension is in fact not much more than a string, in which x and y coordinate (or latitude and longitude) are separated by a comma. (You could also have more than two dimensions, but the filtering semantics are tailored for two dimensions.)

Data Generation

First, we need to generate some test data. I am using the Python Faker module in a small script like this:

import json
from faker import Faker

fake = Faker()

def main():


    for i in range(0, 10000):
        place = fake.location_on_land()

if __name__ == "__main__":

Ingest these data into Druid as described in my previous post.


Let’s start with a simple SQL query. I want a list of places with their coordinates, and how often they occurred in my file:


In order to do my spatial magic, I need to convert this SQL code to a Druid native query. This is an easy interactive process in the Druid query console.

First, use the Explain function to show the Druid native query that is generated:


Then, use the Open Query button to open the native query in the editor, instead of the SQL.

Open Query

Spatial Filtering!

Now, let’s introduce a filter! I am going to try and select only the places within a rectangle that roughly contains my home country, Germany. So I want to cover an area from 47°N to 55°N latitude, and from 6°E to 15°E longitude.

Find the place in the query where it says "filter": null, and replace it by the following snippet:

  "filter": {
    "type": "spatial",
    "dimension": "coordinates",
    "bound": {
        "type": "rectangular",
        "minCoords": [47.0, 6.0],
        "maxCoords": [55.0, 15.0]


Note how the places that are listed in the result are almost all in Germany! You can also define circle and polygon filters. Spatial dimensions and filters are documented here.


  • Spatial dimensions are encoded as strings.
  • Spatial filters are supported by the Druid native query language only.
  • You can use the Explain function in the Druid console to convert a SQL query into its Druid native equivalent.